In April, we had a week's holiday in Marathon, Florida, which is about half-way down the Keys chain. We hired a huge house with our friends Marc & Zoe (flying in from England) and Andy & Kate (from Toronto), with their little ones Ava (Ruth's age) and baby Molly.
Ruth and Ava looking for dolphins |
We spent most of our time splashing about in the lovely pool, or hanging out on the balcony admiring the view and enjoying a beer over a board game or two.
Al fresco Dominion |
Sundownders |
We ate outside every night |
We managed a few excursions, one morning Pippa went on a snorkelling trip with Marc and Zoe who were diving. The water was warm and filled with huge bright fish who were very bold. I was sad that I did not see the turtle that another couple spotted, but also happy that I missed the 10' hammerhead shark that swam below one of the other guys.
Another day, Pippa went fishing with Marc and Andy. We caught 18 grunts and torros, all on the small side but collectively enough for dinner!
Thanks to Marc, who took photos of the fishing trip.
... and on the last day, we hired a small motor boat and went put-putting around the key. Under seven-mile bridge to Chiki Tiki for lunch.
More Florida photos here:
Thanks guys for a great trip. We'll be back...